Sunday, 10 April 2011

DNA Testing introduced after evidence of TB fraud

How long has this been going on the link was noted in the 1950 in Switzerland. To cut a very long story short farmer have been able to change the ear tags around and cow that do not have such a high yield of mike and be sent to sluttier and the TB cow stays in the food supply chain.

When the cow are first test the should be sprayed it take 6 weeks / 8 weeks simple , for the dye to come off they can a photo of the cows front sides and back and top and underside image kept my the government and a copy sent to the Slater houses and tick of when processed and conformed with the government. DNA taken at the time of testing and DNA at the the sluttier house. The police on this has been very lacks.

When a dog has to put down that it of very high rick two vet's are needed to make shaw the dog is but sleep this is what they should do with these cows. must less chance of fraud.

The link I have suppyied is a very long and in depth.

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