This is the icing on the cake for me . My drawing being used as part of the advert for the one show that a lot of people want to get into. My drawing looks like snoopy pen and ink drawing .
This advert has help me to get two more show in Basingstoke, One show will be two weeks before Christmas and a show later on in the new year at Basingstock Museum.
I now people do have some question to ask about my drawing and I am going to try and cover as much as I can in a : Quick Crit.
Q How do you approach your drawing(s) ?
A For example, my drawings are free and this can clearly be seen.
My main rule with my drawings is : I Do Not Use A Rubber I have Treudy Friend to thank Treudy wrote a book called " A Trouble- shooting handbook Drawing problem and Solutions page 7 Erasing this is a must read book if you want to be as free as I am with my drawing.
Q How long does it take to do a drawing.
A It take me about two minutes and I can do 200 drawings in 4 hours: A4 size, A1 size I do 25 in hour.
Q Do you think about your drawings while you are doing them ?
A I do not have time to think about my drawings that is what make them such fun to do.
Q How do you see your work moving forward ?
A Recylcing is what I love to do with my art work and when you are drawing using paper and ink you cannot do to much of what I believe in "Recylcing ". So I see my art work come in of the page and moving on to cloths and accessories I have started to play around with some cloth these can be seen on the website. I would like to do use shoes as a from of print making I will have ago over the next few weeks and see how it goes. I feel as I have got a Sculpture Degree I want to make my drawing more 3-D.
Q When the best time for you two work ?
A I always seem to start my work at 16:00.
Q Were the best place for you do your work?
A I do my best drawing when I am on train.
Q Do you just use your right hand for drawing ?
A In the main I do my best best drawing right handed but for fun I do you my left hand and my right and left feet for drawing I call this a party trick . I draw a table lamp with a shade with a button for an off/ on switch and do put tarsal on the lamp shade as well.
Q How did your drawing come about ?
A When I started my degree I did some Christmas cards and I did some of my drawings on some cards I got from another student and it was only because another wanted one I did for her and she said " Your drawing are not possible to fake" that this lay the starting blocks for my drawing they have always been around for a number of years I used to do a " Z " after my name and I got feed up with it as it look boring and as I had started to study art I thought I could do better and as you can see my art work is now on show at Islingston show .
Q You seem to like working in the public ?
A I find drawing in public is the best way to move my art work forward and I think this can be seen in the the drawing.
Q What price have you had to pay for your art work?
Over the years I have many knock backs but I have always known what I have wanted to do and it was to get a degree I made a pack with myself over 27 years ago to get a degree , it just turned out I was very good at doing art. I find this out when I passed my A/S and got an A (a) meaning I was in the top 5% of the A grade. Never had an 'O' level just 13 CSE none at 'O' Level, so it was a big shock to find I got an 'A' grade at A level so all the way though Uni. I new were my art was so I was never bothered about what the Tutors had to say about my work I new I had done my best and that what counted. My plan is to show them what they missed I like talking about my work and I do tell a lot of story's but that just the way I am. Uni do not like story's so story's is what price you have to give up at uni, but now I am in the big world I can talk as much as I want and this website is a very good place to start.
The biggest price was the end of my married to my husband for 19 years. The mistake I did I should of made it that we should of lived together. So if you are in a marriage or partnership stay together. Other student said it was normal for the husband to go by the second year they don't like it when the woman is getting brighter. I just now it does make your art work mean a lot more to you and you care about how your art work works in public. Some people would say it a trade off.
Q How do you see yourself in five time ?
A I would like to have done some show oversea New York would be a good place and Germany as these are the place were contemporary art is shown the way I like